Turn a Tale of Sorrow into a Tail-Wagging Tomorrow.

Help us build a sanctuary where homeless dogs and homeless veterans can come together, forming a harmonious community where they can rely on each other for support, love, and companionship.

The primary objective of Operation Boots and Paws is to collect donations to construct a safe-haven where homeless veterans and homeless dogs can come together and rely on each other for support, love, and companionship.

Our vision is a place where veterans experiencing homelessness can receive the support they deserve, while sheltered dogs find a loving environment. Veterans will have the opportunity to care for and bond with these deserving animals, providing a sense of purpose and responsibility. In turn, the unconditional love and loyalty of dogs will offer emotional support and companionship to veterans. Operation Boots & Paws is a win-win. By donating, you're not just giving homeless veterans and dogs a safe place to land, you're fostering a unique connection that can mend hearts and rebuild lives.

Meet the Founder

Richard Biancavilla aka

Dickey Whitehouse

“As far back as I can remember animals have played a special role in my life. When I was about 8 years old I would go to Tal’s service Station where there was a greasy dirty German Shepard, Rusty. I was hooked. I would play with him all afternoon.”